What is a Mass intention?

At each Mass, during the Prayer of the Faithful, we hear that prayers are requested at this Mass for a particular person(s). This is referred to as a “Mass Intention.” This means that this Mass is being offered for the repose of the soul of someone who has died, or for the special intentions of someone who is still living but requesting prayers for a particular intention. If you would like a Mass offered for someone that you have lost, particularly on the anniversary of their death or birthday, please call the parish office to schedule that Mass. Remember, the greatest thing that we can do for someone who has died is to prayer for them, and the Mass is the greatest of all prayers.


Intentions at st. joseph's church

To schedule a Mass Intention, please contact the parish office. Each Mass is reserved for the intentions requested by one person. The Mass Intentions book for all of 2016 is now open. The suggested offering is $10 per Mass. The Mass intention will be listed in the weekly bulletin.

The Sanctuary Lamp may be lit the week for the suggested offering of $15. The Sanctuary lamp intention will be listed in the weekly bulletin. 

The flowers that decorate our altar may be offered in memory of a loved one for a suggested offering of $35. The Memorial Flower intention will be listed in the weekly bulletin.

mass cards

Mass cards are available in the parish office, and a number of difference styles are available. These cards can be given to the family of deceased or the living person in which you are requesting the Mass for. The Mass time and date is listed on the card, as a memento and reminder of your kind thought of their loved one.