Confirmation PROGRAM Information

One special moment for you in the upcoming year is the celebration of the Sacrament of Confirmation. Since the confirmation program involves an approach requiring prayer and involvement on your part, it is important that you know about it ahead of time. It is our hope that you will carefully read this letter, discuss its contents as a family, and begin preparation for the sacrament of Christian initiation.

What Is the Sacrament of Confirmation?

Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist are called the sacraments of initiation. Through these sacraments we become members of the Catholic Church, a community of Spirit-filled people who have been saved by Christ and who witness Christ’s love in the world. As one of the sacraments of initiation, Confirmation impresses the candidates with a special character. Through the sacrament, the candidates are enriched by the gifts of the Holy Spirit, are bound more perfectly to the Church, and are strengthened in faith. They are enabled to witness more courageously to Christ and to spread and defend the faith.

The Role of Those to Be Confirmed

Those to be confirmed must be suitably instructed and properly disposed. They must be willing to be involved in the preparation program with the intention of remaining faithful to Christ and his Church.

The Role of Parents

As parents, you play a primary role in the sacramental preparation program. You help your son/daughter grow in faith as you prepare him/her for fruitful reception of the sacrament. Your attendance at required meeting and the Sunday parish celebrations of the Eucharist is vital. There is, and can be, no substitute for your actual presence at such moments. Your interest, involvement and concern make a difference in your son’s/daughter’s perception of what this sacrament and the Christian life are all about.

The Role of Sponsor

Each candidate, with the help of his/her parents, is responsible for choosing a sponsor. Church law states that the sponsor must be at least sixteen years of age. He or she must be a confirmed Catholic who has received Holy Eucharist and is living according to the Catholic faith. The sponsor may not be the mother or father of the one to be confirmed. It is the sponsor’s responsibility to give assurance of his or her qualifications. Sponsors take on a lifelong commitment to help their candidates fulfill the obligations of this sacrament. Sponsors should be present at the confirmation practice. Sponsors must be present at the ceremony.

For more information, please contact the Director of Religious Education, Ana Lucia Mello at or 508-494-3916.